Films - A detailed list of Piolo's blockbuster movies, includes synopsis, character names, movie poster, directors etc.
Television Shows - A list of the various Teleseryes, Shows, and TV Specials that Piolo has been a part of in his career.
Discography - Not just an actor, Piolo is also a successful recording artist with multi-platinum and gold albums tucked under his belt. Here's a list of his official recordings.
Awards & Recognitions - An Award winning actor and singer, Piolo has been blessed with awards and recognitions all throughout his showbiz career. This is a list of some of Piolo's Awards and Recognitions.
Endorsements - One of the top endorsers of the Philippine Showbiz, Piolo has been a part of numerous advertising campaigns which varies from TV Commercials, Print Ads etc.
Concert History - An in-demand concert performer both in the Philippines and around the world, Piolo has been a part of numerous concert productions. |